Creating sprint tasks lists on ClickUp

When creating a new sprint tasks list on ClickUp, we want to make it look like all the other sprint lists, with the same statuses, views, automations and custom field columns.

Find more information about the tasks lists we use on ClickUp on our documentation “ClickUp: Task management system”.

  1. Go to ClickUp at or using the ClickUp application.
  2. Locate the “Fluid Checkout” folder within the “Products” workspace.
  3. Choose the option “+” to create a new item (List, Docs and more), then choose the option “List”.
Screenshot of the ClickUp workspace and project folders showing the option to create a new item in the project.
Screenshot of the ClickUp workspace and project folders showing the option to create a new list in the project.
  1. On the “Create list” screen, enter the name of the new list following the pattern “Sprint – Description of objective”. The “NN” part of the pattern can go from 01 to 13, these almost correspond to each month, but not exactly, as every sprint is exactly 4 weeks (28 days) long.
  2. Choose the option “Create List”.
Screenshot of the form to create a new list on ClickUp.
  1. On the tasks list view for the newly created list, locate the options at the top of the screen where you can choose things to inherit from other lists. Ignore the option to “Start from scratch” as we will be inheriting properties from an existing list.
  2. Choose to inherit the following list properties: Statuses, Views, Automations, Custom fields, and probably other options if added in future releases of ClickUp.
  3. Choose the sprint list from which to copy the list properties from. Usually the last sprint that was just finished.
  4. Choose the option “Apply”.
Screenshot of the list recently created with options to inherit properties from an existing list.
  1. Check that the list was created and now has the same layout and structure as the previous list.
Screenshot of the list recently created on ClickUp, showing an empty list with the structure and other properties inherited from an existing list.